The orchid is the flower that people love for its beauty and beauty. So she became nicknamed the beautiful flower. It is native to China, One of the Chinese philosophers…
How to choose flowers for your loved one’s birthday gift?
If you are looking for a special birthday gift, It is difficult not to be your first choice flowers! Roses carry with them all the beautiful feelings. Friendship, love and…
Can a woman send flowers to a man?
We were brought up in an environment where we always saw sending flowers to girls and women, But it’s time to change the game! Sometimes these women wish to present…
Lotus flower: Medical meanings and benefits
The lotus flower is one of the great water lilies. It is also a perennial plant. It has been known to exist in South and East Asia for a long…
How do you choose the right houseplants for your home?
Any house, old or new, cannot be complete without houseplants in it. A little greenery is a great idea to make any space or room in the house look more…
Lavender flower
Lavender flower, which is known in Arabic as lavender flower. It is a fragrant flower that resembles a spike. It bears small purple flowers on long stems. And centuries ago,…
Learn about rare flowers in the world
The term rare flowers is not clear and well defined for many people, A rare flower may mean to some that it is on the verge of extinction. While others…
Magnolia flower and its meanings
There are many flowers that we see and do not know much about, The magnolia flower is not only one of them, but one of the oldest flowers in the…
Wondrous flower, rainbow flower
Do you have a special occasion, Looking for a bright, beautiful flower that spreads joy? Then rainbow flower is the perfect choice for you, Its unique color combination will bring…
What are the meanings of the begonia flower?
The begonia flower is one of the flowers that can be found all over the world, They are ideal flowers for indoor or outdoor use. Or as a special gift…
Flower care: 6 tips to keep it fresh
We usually receive flower bouquets on our special occasions and beautiful moments. Although these flowers bring joy to our hearts, And whenever we look at it, we remember its owner….
fish mouth flower (exotic flower)
No one could not stand before the strangeness of the fish’s mouth flower, or even when hearing its name, or its other strange names as well, Such as: The palate…